Membership of KEDO
The original members of KEDO are Japan, South Korea and the USA. Since then, the following have become members.

Finland 30 May 1995
New Zealand 26 June 1995
Australia 19 September 1995
Canada 24 November 1995
Indonesia 7 May 1996
Chile 17 July 1996
Argentina 5 September 1996
EAEC* 19 September 1997
Poland 25 September 1997
Czech Republic 9 February 1999
*EAEC – European Atomic EnergyCommission.

KEDO has said that it welcomes new members. The procedure to admit new members is:

States or international organisations interested in membership formally notify the executive director of KEDO of their interest. The executive director conveys this to the members of the executive board for consideration.

KEDO agrees with the prospective member on a draft acceptance.

The executive board approves the membership and authorises the executive director to receive the instrument of acceptance.

The signed acceptance is submitted to the executive director of KEDO. Membership becomes effective from the date the acceptance is received by the executive director.