At the construction site of Russia’s Kursk II, the ceiling of the above-ground part of the unit 2 turbine building is being concreted. This will divide the turbine building into above-ground and below-ground parts and will support the main load. At this level, equipment will be installed including separators-steam superheaters, low and high pressure heaters and other components. The beginning of concreting of the floor at the ground level in the unit 2 turbine building is a key event of 2020.

During concreting, strict quality control of the concrete mixture is maintained. “Every two hours after the end of concreting, the temperature of the concrete is monitored in order to prevent cracking. After gaining strength, the monolithic structure is monitored and evaluated to confirm the design characteristics of the concrete,” explained Rostislav Kimlik, Deputy Chief Engineer at the Kursk II Capital Construction Department.

The ceiling/floor requires about 2507 cubic metres of concrete mix and 1100 tons of reinforcement. To transport the concrete, 313 concrete mixers will be required, and the amount of reinforced concrete is comparable to the construction of a two-entrance ten-story residential building. The work involves 160 construction specialists from Titan-2 working round the clock, the plant noted.

This marks an important stage in the construction of the turbine building, since it determines the time frame for further work on construction of the metal structures of the turbine building frame and the aboveground part of the turbine unit foundation slab.