Russia’s Titan 2, the main building contractor for Finland’s Hanhikivi NPP project, has signed contracts with Finnish companies Nablabs Oy and EHP-Tekniikka Ltd to carry out environmental monitoring in the area of the construction site, the company said. Work at the site currently centres on preparation for blasting and ground removal activities for the foundation pit, the statement said. Nablabs will control the levels of dust, noise, and vibration during excavation and blasting work as well as monitoring runoff water from the settling pond. EHP-Tekniikka will monitor the status of seawater around the construction site and during dredging of the harbour basin. Hanhikivi-1 will be a 1,200MWe Russian AES-2006 VVER pressurised water reactor. It is scheduled to enter commercial operation in 2024. Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom plans to start construction of Hanhikivi in 2017

In December 2013, Rusatom Overseas [Rosatom’s subsidiary] and Finnish Fennovoima signed the contract for construction of the Hanhikivi-1 NPP. A ten-year fuel contract was also signed with Russian fuel company Tvel. Russia’s revenues from Hanhikivi-1 will amount to €17.5bn ($19.5bn). Rosatom director general Sergey Kiriyenko said earlier. Of this amount taxes to the federal budget will exceed €3bn, he added. According to Finnish media, the project’s cost will reach €6-7bn, of which €1.6bn will be invested by Fennovoima and the rest by Rosatom.