Finland’s Olkiluoto 3 EPR project has encountered a further five-month delay and is now expected to start regular electricity production in May 2019. However, work on France's Flamanville 3 remains on track, with the reactor scheduled for connection to the grid by the end of 2018, according to EDF.
TVO said, 9 October, it received updated information from the Areva-Siemens consortium supplying the Olkiluoto 3, which indicates that first grid connection will take place in December 2018, followed by the start of regular electricity production in May 2019. The previous schedule planned for regular electricity production at the end of 2018.
“We are very disappointed by this additional delay,” commented Jouni Silvennoinen, SVP, OL3 Project at TVO. “There is still substantial work to be accomplished in the OL3 EPR project and it is essential that all the necessary technical, human and financial resources are allocated to the project. The restructuring of the French nuclear industry must not compromise this.”
TVO selected EPR technology for its third unit in 2003, and the supplier started the construction works for Olkiluoto 3 in spring 2005 with a contractual obligation to start the electricity production in spring 2009.
French EPR on track
Meanwhile, EDF has confirmed that work on its Flamanville 3 project is progressing “in accordance with the timetable” announced in September 2015.
System tests started in the first quarter of 2017 and this summer the vessel flushing operations were completed. Teams are now preparing for cold tests, which will start in December 2017, and hot tests to start in July 2018. Fuel loading and start up of the reactor is confirmed at the end of the fourth quarter of 2018. Project costs also remain at 10.5 Billion Euros.