Russia's Uralmashzavod will produce equipment for the third and the fourth power units of India’s Kudankulam NPP (phase two), the plant said on 15 August. Uralmashzavod has already supplied two refuelling machines, two circular operation cranes and two ramp cranes for phase one (units 1 and 2) of the NPP. Uralmashzavod in cooperation with NPO VNIIPTMASH will design and fabricate equipment for the two new Kudankulam units, including two new generation refuelling machines and four staff airlocks. The framework agreement on construction of the third stage of Kudankulam NPP (units 5 and 6) is expected to be signed by the year-end, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 10 August. Shipment of the entire set of equipment for Kudankulam 3 and 4 is planned for 2019.