The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) has announced the launch of the competition to secure a Parent Body Organisation (PBO) for the Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) Site Licence Company (SLC).

The competition will be administered in an open and transparent manner in accordance with European Union procurement guidelines and a Prior Information Notice (PIN) has been sent for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

The competition seeks to appoint a new PBO to take ownership (via share transfer) of the DSRL SLC for the duration of the contract.

The appointed PBO will provide the vision for the optimal accomplishment of the site’s mission. It will second key personnel to form the SLC’s senior leadership team to deliver that vision – driving to attain best value for money while maintaining mandatory standards of safety, security and environmental performance.

The annual average spend at the SLC over the past five years has been approximately £155M per annum. The fee for the contract is related to the annual spend, risk and opportunities, and performance.

A detailed programme of market engagement will commence in mid October 2009. This will be followed by a two-part industry event to be held in Caithness and then Glasgow or Edinburgh in early to mid 2010.

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