The IAEA’s 2023 edition of its Country Nuclear Power Profiles (CNPP) provides information on the status and development of nuclear power programmes around the world. Its publication coincides with the launch of a redesigned web platform featuring countries’ official nuclear power data, now integrated with the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) database.

“Providing access to reliable information about the status and development of peaceful nuclear power programmes around the world is a very important and needed activity,” said Marie Idlin, a CNPP Contributor from Poland. “The CNPP project greatly facilitates this task and allows for readers, in a clear and user-friendly manner, to have an insight into IAEA member states’ individual solutions and approaches towards this source of energy. We are excited that Poland, a nuclear newcomer, had the chance to prepare its new profile for this year’s publication.”

The 2023 edition of CNPP includes updated data on nuclear power plants, regulatory frameworks and energy policies, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of the global nuclear industry. The new web platform offers updated nuclear profiles and a new addition, Country Highlights, which is a one-page snapshot for each of the participating states. This provides a concise overview of each country's nuclear power profile including pertinent information, key statistics and essential facts.

The CNPP summarises organisational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programmes and provides information about the relevant legislative, regulatory and international frameworks in each country. The descriptive and statistical overview of the overall energy and electricity situation in each country and its nuclear power framework serve as an integrated source of key background information about nuclear power programmes worldwide.

The web platform was revamped in close collaboration with member states to optimise user experience, enabling readers to effectively utilise the extensive and diverse information presented. The platform offers seamless navigation and convenient access to nuclear power information. Its responsive layout enables users to easily explore its various products on different devices.

Integration of the CNPP web platform with the PRIS database expands the website's capabilities, allowing users to access additional information from PRIS such as reactor-specific details, historical trends, and global statistics. The new platform also allows for the generation of high quality, printable versions of the nuclear profiles.

“The CNPP web platform is an important source of reliable, up to date information about IAEA member states’ nuclear power development programmes,” said Richard Mahlong, CNPP Contributor from South Africa. “I am happy to be involved in the update of South Africa 2023 CNPP, which provides the status of the country’s current nuclear power programme and future expansion plans.”

Image courtesy of IAEA