Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has chosen Bechtel Power to lead the engineering, procurement and construction work necessary to complete unit 2 at Watts Bar, in Tennessee, USA.

At the beginning of August, the TVA board unanimously approved completing Watts Bar 2 at an estimated cost of $2.49 billion, which includes the scope of work in the Bechtel contract and other costs to complete the project and start up the unit.

Five firms were invited to bid on the work, based on their track records for completing large nuclear engineering and construction projects, and their quality assurance programmes.

Proposals were received from two firms, Bechtel and Shaw, Stone & Webster.

TVA said it selected Bechtel’s proposal based on the firm’s technical capability, overall value and pricing, quality of proposed project team and other attributes.

TVA president and chief executive officer Tom Kilgore said TVA’s oversight of Bechtel would include incorporating experience from the restart of Browns Ferry 1, where Bechtel provided technical and engineering services.

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