GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy has signed an agreement with EnergyLab Foundation to support Italy’s pursuit of safe nuclear energy to address the country’s goals for energy security and cleaner energy.

Under the memorandum of understanding, GEH will work with EnergyLab to explore opportunities for new nuclear power plants based on GEH’s ABWR and ESBWR designs.

EnergyLab is a non-profit organization based in Milan. It collaborates with some of Italy’s leading energy companies, universities and local governments to help solve the country’s energy and environmental challenges.

The deal has been made possible by a bilateral civilian nuclear energy cooperation agreement that was signed by the US and Italian governments in September 2009.

“To deliver on EnergyLab’s mission, we aim to disseminate as widely as possible knowledge regarding advanced nuclear technologies,” said Silvio Bosetti, general manager for EnergyLab Foundation. “We think that our collaboration with GEH will support this mission, widening access for our country to a well-experienced nuclear technology, and this will help start the nation’s new nuclear energy programme.”

GEH participated in the launch of Italy’s first domestic nuclear energy programme on behalf of Enel, which included an 860MW, second-generation BWR nuclear power plant. This station operated from 1978 until it was closed as the country ended its first nuclear energy programme.

“We look forward to collaborating with EnergyLab to help ensure that Italy’s government and energy sector understand how our ABWR and ESBWR technologies can help address the country’s pressing economic and environmental priorities,” said Danny Roderick, a GEH senior vice president.

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