Finland’s Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO) is to upgrade the low-pressure steam turbines at Units 1 and 2 of its Olkiluoto nuclear units (OLK1 and OLK2).

Alstom has won the contract to retrofit the low-pressure steam turbines together with a new generator at Unit 1.

Designed to enable high availability with long service cycles, the efficiency of the power plant will be increased by about 1% as a result of the project, increasing electrical output of both units by about 25 MW.

Alstom’s Swedish subsidiary is responsible for the delivery, which includes, in addition to the retrofit of the low-pressure turbines, also the new generator for Unit 1, the corresponding generator for Unit 2 ordered already earlier, and all required design and installations. The value of the delivery totals to about €100 million.

The installation will be carried out during the 2010 and 2011 annual service outages.

The announcement follows a short shutdown of Unit 2 at the plant as a result of a fire on a turbine bearing. The fire was caused by the heating of oily insulation material on the turbine. The oily insulation material has now been replaced with clean insulation.

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