The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has informed Areva NP that it has yet to demonstrate how some aspects of the EPR reactor’s digital instrumentation and control system meet NRC requirements.

Specifically, Areva needs to better demonstrate that each safety division in the system can perform its function without relying on information originating from outside the safety division and is protected from adverse influence from outside the division. The vendor also needs to better demonstrate that data exchanged between safety and non-safety divisions are processed in a manner that does not adversely affect the function of the safety division.

Areva responded by saying that the NRC request “is a normal and expected part of the design certification process,” and that it has already has begun addressing the issues raised in the communication.

“Areva has already proactively identified design modifications to address many NRC questions, and is conducting work on a priority basis to implement those changes to facilitate timely NRC review in support of the design certification. Initial NRC feedback is positive regarding these proposed changes.”

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