Avtomatika Concern, an affiliate of the Russian state-run corporation Rostec, has developed the Gipnoz (Hypnosis) robotic equipment control system to perform extreme tasks in the environment of radiation, high and low temperatures and poor visibility.

The Hypnosis system uses artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies, Rostec said on 3 July.
The system can be used in the extraction, enrichment and production of nuclear fuel; for maintenance of the reactors at nuclear power plants; for monitoring the background radiation at storage facilities for irradiated nuclear fuel; for eliminating accidents in mines without human intervention; and for other special tasks.

The system comprises a control panel, a range of sensors, video cameras, on-board electric computers for installation on a robotic platform, a lidar, a high-speed wireless control channel, and a repeater to increase the communication range.

The operator remotely controls the unmanned complex with the help of VR glasses connected to the control panel, on which information from cameras and sensors of the robot is displayed. Artificial intelligence technologies automatically detect and highlight objects that the robotics work with.

“This is an innovative solution based on the simultaneous use of virtual reality technology to control the robot and artificial intelligence to classify targets using neural networks. The high-speed integrated radio channel included in the system ensures stable communication quality during remote control of the robot. Such functionality allows you to use the development to solve a wide range of problems in the fuel and energy complex, industry and other areas,” said Avtomatika general director Vladimir Kabanov.

As part of Rostec, the project is being implemented by a subsidiary of Avtomatika JSC VNII Vega. The development was awarded a diploma as winner in the category “Robotics” at the exhibition marking Innovation Day at the Russian Ministry of Defence.