US Southern Company subsidiary, Southern Nuclear, has notified the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission of its intent to seek subsequent licence renewal (SLR) for both units at the Edwin I Hatch NPP in Georgia for an additional 20 years, according to NRC. Through a letter of intent, the company informed NRC that it expects to submit the application in 2025.

Plant Hatch is co-owned by Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia and Dalton Utilities. Southern Nuclear operates the nuclear units on behalf of the co-owners.

In July 2022, the Georgia Public Service Commission approved Georgia Power’s request to begin the multi-year process to extend Plant Hatch’s licence as part of the company’s 2022 Integrated Resource Plan. If approved by NRC, the SLR would extend Southern Nuclear’s licences to operate the plant on behalf of the co-owners to 2054 (unit 1) and 2058 (unit 2). An NRC decision on licence renewal is expected in the late 2020s. The current Hatch licences are set to expire in 2034 and 2038.

The Hatch plant comprises two 900MWe boiling water reactors. Unit 1 began commercial operation in December 1975, with unit 2 following in September 1979. 

Image: The Hatch nuclear power plant (courtesy of Southern Nuclear)