The Wylfa nuclear power station, on Anglesey, UK, has been given permission to continue generating electricity for up to two years beyond December 2010.

The station, which comprises two 550MW Magnox reactors, is owned by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and operated by Magnox North, whose parent body organisation is EnergySolutions. In January 2011 Wylfa will reach its 40th anniversary as a generating power station.

Magnox North has been undertaking work to support the period of extended generation throughout 2010. This work has included an evaluation of the Periodic Safety Review, which is required every 10 years by the UK’s nuclear regulator the Health and Safety Executive’s Nuclear Directorate to validate the safe and compliant operation of the site.

The additional revenue from the power station, expected to be in excess of a hundred million pounds, will be used to help fund the NDA’s decommissioning mission.

Sara Johnston, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s Programme Director for Magnox, said: “Wylfa’s continued generation is excellent news as it will deliver significant extra revenue from one of the NDA’s valuable assets. The income generated over the extension period will support our clean-up mission. I would like to thank Magnox North for the tremendous work they have done to help make this happen.”

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