The US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management on 28 June awarded a new contract to North Wind Site Services for clean-up services at the DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Naval Reactors Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) located in Niskayuna, New York state. The contract is valued at up to $22 million over five years. “The contractor will support the DOE mission at KAPL by performing the following services including, but not limited to environmental remediation; demolition and removal of legacy facilities; regulatory services; waste management and transportation; and all associated activities.”

KAPL was established in 1946 under contract between the General Electric Company and the Manhattan Engineering District to support Hanford Engineer Works in the chemical separation of plutonium and uranium from irradiated fuel. The contract was transferred to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1947. KAPL's sole focus shifted to naval nuclear propulsion plants. Today, it is a government-owned, contractor-operated laboratory for DOE. KAPL is responsible for the research, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of US nuclear-powered warships. It also manages work on nuclear ships at numerous shipyards across USA.

KAPL operates two sites in New York, the Knolls site and the Kenneth A Kesselring site in West Milton. Niskayuna is KAPL’s primary site, focusing on the design and development of naval propulsion plants and reactor cores. In 2006 KAPL complted full remediation of the S1C Prototype Reactor site located in Windsor, Connecticut. KAPL had taken over operation of the S1C Prototype in the 1960s after expiration of the Navy's original contract with Combustion Engineering. KAPL is managed and operated by Fluor Marine Propulsion Corporation, a subsidiary of Fluor Corporation and was previously operated by Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bechtel National Incorporated. The previous operating contractor of KAPL was Lockheed Martin.

North Wind Site Services was launched in 2012 to provide environmental remediation services across the USA, including remedial investigation, environmental restoration, unexploded ordnance/military munitions remediation programme, and regulatory public involvement services. It was later accepted into the US Small Business Administration Section, Small Business Development Programme which made it eligible to compete and receive federal contracts as well as receive business development assistance.

It is one of six companies that form North Wind Group, founded in 1997, which provides engineering, construction, environmental, and technical services to federal and state agencies and private industry. Since 2010, North Wind has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cook Inlet Region, an Alaska Native Corporation. North Wind is headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho.