Although at least 40 people died in the powerful earthquakes that struck southwestern Japan on 14 and 16 April, no NPPs were damaged. Utility companies in Kumamoto Prefecture the prefecture said more than 1,000 households had lost gas and electricity. Officials estimate that 30,000 people in the prefecture fled after the 6.5-magnitude quake on 14 April. More fled following the second stronger quake (magnitude 7.3).

Japan’s only online nuclear plant, Kyushu Electric Power Company’s Sendai NPP in Kagoshima Prefecture was unaffected and officials said the two reactors (units 1 and 2) remained in operation. All four units at Kyushu Electric’s Genkai NPP, in the same region, and the three units of Shikoku Electric Power Company’s Ikata NPP on nearby Shikkoku reported no irregularities. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority confirmed on its website early on 16 April that there are no abnormalities reported at any of the plants. However, further quakes are expected which could still impact some of the NPPs.