Indicator * Unit 2008 2009 % change, year-on-year
Electricity generation by nuclear power plants billion kWh 162.3 163.3 100.6
The capacity factor plant % 79.5 80.2 100.9
The volume of uranium mining tons 3.7 4.6 124.3
Raw material base of uranium tons 558 632 113.3
Income of Rosatom and its subordinate organizations and enterprises billion rubles 428.8 528.5 123.3
including the volume of export earnings (excluding contract HEU) U.S. $ bn 3.5 3.65 104.2
Net income of Rosatom and its subordinate organizations and enterprises billion rubles 15.5 38.7 250
Net assets of the organization and its subordinate enterprises of Rosatom billion rubles 797 1060 133
The share of high-tech products in the revenue % 79.3
Reduction of fixed costs (in constant prices) % – -17
Labour productivity in the organizations and their subordinate enterprises / growth at constant prices thousand rubles per person.% 1281 1636/117.8 127.7/117.8
Established staff thous. 275
The share of professionals under the age of 35 years % 25.2 26.5 105.1
Average salaries in industry rubles per month. 28,216 32,394 114.8
Performance of the state defense order of NWC % 100 100 100