A tender has been launched to establish a road and rail logistics service to support waste services activities. The intention is to establish contracts with relevant Service Providers to give LLW Repository Limited the ability to safely and efficiently manage (or have managed) transports associated with the UK Nuclear Industry, using road, rail, sea or a combination; for UK and overseas journeys. It is anticipated that the suppliers will propose incentive mechanisms to optimise all return journeys, avoiding empty miles.
LLWR intends to procure road and rail service including ocean freight management to meet the business needs. Typically LGV transportation will be required within between UK sites listed in the Expression of Interest Document attached in the CTM system.
The lotting strategy will include:
Lot 1 – Road transport service.
Lot 2 – Rail transport services.
Lot 3 – Option to provide a fully integrated Road and Rail Transport Service.
Excluding VAT
Range between 2 000 000 and 5 000 000 GBP
Lot 1: Road transport services.
1). Consultation – provision of support and advice regarding road transport infrastructure requirements and national, international routing and cross border authorisations.
2). Road freight transport service – provision of a suitable sized fleet to meet the demands confirmed in the expression of interest document attached in CTM.
3). Ocean freight service – identification of suitable ocean freight liners and preparation of booking crossings for freight and roll on roll off shipments.
4). Sea terminal handing – provision of sea terminal management; load supervising where required.
Lot 2: Rail transport services:
1). Consultation – provision of support and advice regarding rail transport infrastructure requirements and national routing. Provision of advice on when reduced train pricing applies with regards to the 12 main potential rail hubs.
2). Rail freight transport service – provision of trains and rail wagons to transport 20′ ISO containers.
3). Rail terminal/sidings infrastructure and handling – provision of rail terminal management, load lifting equipment for road to rail/sidings and sidings to rail wagons, load transfer supervising and management of any temporary storage areas indentified for LLWR ISO containers, drums and boxes.
Lot 3: Fully integrated rail and road transport service:
1). Provision of a fully integrated road, rail and sea transport service comprising of Lot 1 and Lot 2 inclusive.
2). The management of all intermodal transfers for road, rail and sea ports.
3). The development of an innovative pricing structure to optimise the rail transportation mode where applicable.