Nuclear reactor performance by vendors: PHWRs

* Where the minimum load factor is marked with an asterisk, the minimum was zero, and the lowest load factor higher than zero is given

Vendor Size No. of units Total MWe Reactor years Output 2004 (TWh) Lifetime Annual load factors (%) Lifetime load factors (%)
Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum
AECL S 12 5208 277.8 21.3 668.9 88.8 49.6 19.7* 78.8 61.7 19.9
M 19 15616.5 326.4 102.4 1701.7 97.4 76.0 24.1* 92.2 76.6 47.6
All 31 20824.5 604.3 123.7 2370.5 97.4 75.5 19.7 92.2 70.8 19.9
NPC (India) S 8 1880 101.7 9.6 116.3 73.8 57.9 60.9* 73.9 59.9 44.5