Nuclear security professionals can formally demonstrate their competence through a new certification programme launched by the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) Academy, in partnership with computer-based testing leaders Pearson VUE.

WINS has estimated there are over 200,000 personnel responsible for nuclear and radioactive material security worldwide, yet until the launch of this groundbreaking set of tests there had been no existing structure of required competences or an accredited programme for professionals with accountabilities for nuclear security. WINS estimates an ongoing international demand of approximately 20,000 trained professionals per year and these certificates will allow job applicants to demonstrate their competence to potential employers.

"Candidates can sit the certification exams in more than 5100 test centres in 175 countries"

Candidates can sit the certification exams in more than 5100 test centres in 175 countries. Computer-based testing means that the exams can be taken on-demand, allowing greater flexibility for professionals with accountabilities for nuclear security around the world.

Throughout 2014, WINS and Pearson VUE will launch nine self-paced training courses designed to assess whether professionals have the required level of knowledge. They will take the first course, the Foundations of Nuclear Security and then have the option of enrolling in one of eight other elective courses for the various stakeholders in a nuclear security programme. All courses will be available for individual or group purchase online.

The new certifications are:

  • Nuclear Security Governance
  • Nuclear Security Executive Management
  • Nuclear Security Regulation
  • Nuclear Security Incident Response
  • Nuclear Security Programme Management
  • Science and Engineering for Nuclear Security
  • Radioactive Materials Management
  • Nuclear Security Communication