COMEX Nucleaire S.AS, a French subsidiary of ONET Technologies and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the Japanese constructor and supplier of pressurized water reactors for nuclear power plants, have jointly created a new company under the name of COMIA. The objective of this new company is to develop the two partners’ nuclear engineering and services activities related to the nuclear island of PWR.
The creation of COMIA marks a new milestone in the partnership which traces back to 2001, since when it has been awarded contracts by Electricité de France (EDF) for 15 replacement steam generators, three of which are already delivered and installed. This cooperation is in continuity with the existing partnership.
Through the creation of COMIA, the two companies have now decided to combine their expertise and their know-how in order to further develop their activities within the market for nuclear services, initially in France, and then progressively in other European countries.
COMIA’s activities will cover the prospecting, marketing, commercialisation and supply of services for PWR Nuclear Island, in particular, in the fields of design engineering, systems engineering, functional and safety analyses, calculation studies, design and manufacturing of special machines, consulting, maintenance, inspection, and performance optimisation.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries contributes 51% of COMIA’s capital while COMEX Nucleaire accounts for 49%. The new company’s headquarters are located in Marseilles. The President of COMIA is Ms Dominique Mouillot, also President of ONET Technologies. The Vice-president is Mr Terumasa Onaka, Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. The posts of president and vice president will rotate between the companies every two years.
FilesReactor-by-reactor, system-by-system summary from JAIF as of 27 April
Fukushima-Daiichi parameters 26 April