Swedish utility OKG has decided to extend the safety modernisation of Oskarshamn 2 (O2). The exact date for the plant’s restart next year remains uncertain.

OKG said that the modernisation work in the turbine hall has been successfully completed, as have all the major mechanical installations. The full focus is now on the installation of electric power and control equipment. This is the most comprehensive part of the work and includes the rebuilding of the control room.

"As the project has been evaluated, schedules have constantly been made and the focus on safety and quality of implementation always has the highest priority. Since we can see there will be delays in the work connected with the electrical and control equipment, we have decided to extend the safety modernisation. We are now looking at the schedules together with the main suppliers, to see when the restart of the plant can occur," says Johan Svenningsson, Managing Director of OKG.

OKG said that the delays have been partly caused by the unique and advanced nature of the challenge of laying an enormous volume of cables in an existing facility, with the limitations and the requirements for separation that this involves. This delay also delays other work and affects the possible restart date.

"The initial schedule and input data that we received from the main suppliers to the safety modernisation contain some uncertainties and indicate a restart in spring 2015. Our own initial assessment indicates a restart during summer 2015. Until these uncertainties have been clarified, OKG will be unable to give any exact information about the planned restart date. It is clear however that the plant will be shut down over the coming winter, which we naturally regret," says Johan Svenningsson.

OKG said that the current modernisation of Oskarshamn 2 is in total a very large and complex industrial project, which involves an investment of approximately SEK 8 billion (EUR 876 million). The project has therefore been divided into stages; safety modernisation is the second last and most significant stage. Because of delays during the safety modernisation, OKG has already advised that the coming power increase stage will not be performed during 2015. The aim is now to implement the power increase during 2017.
Oskarshamn 1 has completed its annual maintenance shutdown and is once more in operation. The annual maintenance shutdown at Oskarshamn 3 is now ongoing and the planned restart is 30 June.

The Oskarshamn 2 safety modernisation began on 1 June 2013 and is the second last stage in the modernisation of O2.The modernisation of O2 covers a safety upgrade, extended lifetime and a power increase.

It has been calculated that after the project is completed, the plant will be able to deliver competitive electricity for at least another 20 years. 800 tonnes of new components will be installed in the plant and 850 kilometres of cable will be laid.5,800 different items in the plant are affected and the heaviest lift is 158 tonnes. About 80,000 connections and 20,000 welds will be made. More than 2,000 people from several European countries are involved in the project. The modernisation project will be concluded with a power increase from 660 MW to 840 MW.