Poland’s National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) on 9 February signed an agreement to collaborate with the European Union’s Joint Research Centre (JRC).

Polish scientists will participate in coordinating EU science and technology policy, in particular in fields such as the development of nuclear technologies for power generation, cyber security and the medical applications of ionising radiation.

The JRC is a directorate-general within the European Commission. Scientists employed at its six research centres and its Brussels headquarters carry out research to provide the European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the European Union, and EU member states with independent advice in support of EU science and technology policy.

Poland courts US support for nuclear development

Poland is looking to nuclear energy to help diversify its electricity mix and is interested in finding US partners, Jozef Sobolewski, director of the Polish ministry of energy’s nuclear energy department, said on 10 February. He was speaking at  a meeting of US and Polish government officials and industry leaders at the Nuclear Energy Institute’s offices in Washington. Sobolewski said that with approximately 90% of Poland’s electricity coming from coal, other energy sources are needed to provide fuel diversity and energy security.

Paul Marin, director for trade, investment, and nuclear energy policy on the White House National Security Council, said Poland should consider nuclear energy as one way to diversify its energy mix. The White House wants to help strengthen emerging relationships between US companies in the nuclear industry and their counterparts in Poland, he noted. However, recent media reports in Poland said the government has postponed a decision on the future nuclear new-build programme until mid-2017. Polish energy minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski was reported as saying he would present a new financing model for new nuclear by the end of the first half of 2017.