Belarus 2 was connected to the power supply (photo: ASE)On 31 March, the first 10kV power supply section was connected to unit 2 of the Belarus nuclear power plant, which is being built in Ostravets by Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom.  

“Connection of the unit to the standard power supply scheme will be carried out in stages,” explains Alexey Kononenko, construction director of the Belarus NPP at Atomstroyexport.

“First, the voltage will provide the power supply systems for normal operation, and then it will be distributed among the power supply systems of the security system and then to the reactor compartment, engine room and other facilities.”

Providing the unit with electricity will allow specialists to begin full-scale commissioning.

During the first 72 hours of continuous test operation, specialists will check the operability of all four sections of 10kV power supply system for normal operation (20VVA, 20VVV, 20VVS and 20VVD). After confirming their compliance with the design specifications, the electricity from this equipment can then be supplied to other facilities of the unit.

“A properly planned programme of step-by-step supply of voltage to the necessary power supply systems, monitoring and control systems will make it possible to begin commissioning of systems and equipment and ensure the unit is ready for later stages scheduled for the end of this year,” said ASE vice president Vitaly Polyanin, project manager for the construction of the Belarus NPP.

Belarus NPP will comprise two VVER-1200 reactors, scheduled to go online in 2020 and 2021, respectively. In February, Belarus' deputy energy minister Mikhail Mikhadyuk told the Respublika newspaper that unit 2 was 70% ready and that pre-commissioning tests were nearing completion at Belarus 1.

Photo: Belarus nuclear power plant (credit: ASE)