Preparatory work underway for Brest-300 at SCC (Photo: Titan-2)Preparatory work has begun at the Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) in Seversk of the world's first fast neutron lead-cooled reactor, the Brest OD-300.

The Brest reactor is being developed within the framework of Russia's Proryv (Breakthrough), project to demonstrate a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

This project, based at SCC, comprises a fuel production/refabrication module for production of dense uranium plutonium (nitride) fuel for fast reactors; a nuclear power plant with a lead cooled fast reactor; and a used fuel retreatment module.

Specialists of Titan-2, part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, Titan-2 will be responsible for construction of the reactor building, turbines, and infrastructure facilities.

Preparatory work is currently under way on site, including constrution of carparks, workshops and an open area for storing heavy equipment.

Preparatory work for the testing of bored piles has been completed. The construction of temporary roads and driveways is underway, along with work to reduce the level of groundwater at the site of the future complex.

Work is organised into three shifts, Titan-2 said.

SCC, part of Rosatom’s fuel company TVEL, combines four nuclear material handling plants.

The plant is the only producer of uranium hexafluoride (conversion) in Russia, and also specialises in enriching natural and regenerated uranium used for the manufacture of fuel for nuclear power plants; refining of natural and regenerated uranium from chemical and radioactive impurities; the production of fluorides of various metals of high purity; production of stable isotopes. 

Photo: Preparatory work underway for Brest-300 at SCC (Photo: Titan-2)