The damaged stator turbogenerator at unit 6 of Russia’s Novovoronezh NPP (unit 1 of the Novovoronezh-II NPP) will be sent to the factory for repairs, Novovoronezh NPP Director Vladimir Povarov said on 23 November. Unit 6 was disconnected from the grid on 10 November due to a short-circuit in the electrical equipment. This plant protection system worked normally. It was decided to replace the damaged stator with a new one, previously supplied for Novovoronezh unit 7. The damage will be covered by insurance and the new stator will be installed on 3 December. Novovoronezh-6 began operating at 100% power for the first time in October. The VVER 1200/392M pressurised water reactor unit with a net design capacity of 1,114 MWe, is Russia’s first Generation-III+ nuclear unit.

Meanwhile unit 3 at the NPP is coming to the end of its operating life and will be closed at the end of December. However, some components of the reactor will be used as part of a life extension project for unit 4, Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said. Both units are 385MWe VVER-400, model V-179 reactors. Novovoronezh-3 began commercial operation in 1972 and Novovoronezh-4 in 1973.