Russia’s planned Smolensk-Phase Two NPP will be put into operation when unit 1 at the existing Smolensk NPP closes down, according to Andrei Petrov, Director General of nuclear utility Rosenergoatom. "One of the main tasks of the Smolensk NPP in 2016 will be preparatory work related to the project for construction of replacement capacity,” he said. The scheduled dates of the roadmap have changed slightly due to the fact that units 1 and 2 will now operate to work for and extended lifetime of 15 more years. Work will begin next year on the modernization of unit 3. “By the time the first operating unit is decommissioned, we will be ready to complete construction and put into operation the first unit of the second phase,” he noted." Smolensk NPP comprises three upgraded 1,000MWe RBMK units. The replacement capacity will use Generation 3+ VVER-TOI reactors.