Title: Technical assistance for developing a regulatory basis for rulemaking to streamline and enhance the research and test reactor (RTR) license renewal process.
This is a sources sought synopsis. This is not a Request for Proposals.
The NRC is seeking technical assistance for developing a regulatory basis for rulemaking to streamline and enhance the Research and Test Reactor (RTR) license renewal process. This notice supports a market survey and analysis to determine the range of available contractors and their utility and capability to assist the NRC with the prospective work described below. The NRC does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this request or compensate responders for their information.
Jeffrey R. Mitchell
Phone: (301) 492-3639
Fax: (301) 492-3437
Submit details to:
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn: M`Lita Carr, Division of Contracts, MS TWB-01-A31M, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852.
Fax: (301-492-3437)
Email (mlita.carr@nrc.gov)
The NRC is responsible for the licensing and regulatory oversight of research and test reactors (RTRs) in the United States. The NRC implements regulations and develops and implements policies, programs, and procedures pertaining to all aspects of licensing and inspection of these facilities. The NRC is seeking to streamline and enhance the RTR license renewal process by proposed rulemaking. Before proposed rulemaking can be initiated, a technical basis must be established which provides a detailed analysis of the current license renewal process and the basis for the proposed changes.
Capability Sought
The NRC is seeking to identify commercial organizations capable of providing technical assistance in the development of a technical basis that will be used to support rulemaking that will streamline and enhance the RTR license renewal process. Included in the regulatory basis would be an examination of the technical, legal and policy issues associated with the proposed rulemaking. The need to create or revise existing regulatory guidance documents would also have to be addressed.
The commercial organization should have staff that has knowledge and/or practical experience with RTRs in the areas of design, fuel, operations, systems, nuclear physics, health physics, thermal hydraulics, and nuclear engineering sufficient to assess the acceptability of any proposed rulemaking. The commercial organization should also have staff that has knowledge and/or practical experience with the current processes in 10 CFR Part 50, “Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities”, as well as the guidance and acceptance criteria contained in NUREG-1537, “Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of Non-Power Reactors,” and the NRC regulatory guides for RTRs. All of these NRC’s regulations and guidance documents are available on the NRC’s public website at http://www.internal.nrc.gov/information-resources.html.
Commercial organizations that are interested in supporting our technical assistance requirements should respond in writing to the market research questions below. Additionally you should provide information on your staff’s qualifications and your firm’s corporate experiences and qualifications on similar contracts or efforts.
Market Research Questions
1. How long has your business been in operation?
2. What type of business is your company (i.e. 8(a), large, etc.)?
3. What is the size of your company in terms of employees and consultants? Provide a breakdown of the mix between the two categories.
4. Do you have dedicated office space in close proximity to NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD 20852? (If desired, describe any office space alternatives.)
5. Has your company effectively established teams in the past such that you could perform scopes of work outside your core competencies? (Describe the types of work and technical disciplines assembled.)
6. List any companies, universities, or government agencies your company plans to perform work for related to civilian nuclear reactors or research and test reactors?
7. Has your company previously faced organizational conflict of interest issues with NRC? How were they resolved?
8. Describe any other information your company deems relevant in supporting the development of a technical review for streamlining and enhancing the license renewal requirements for RTRs.
9. Describe tasks you have performed in the areas of guidance development, reactor licensing, design reviews and/or environmental reviews for the government or commercially?
10. Describe tasks you have performed in the RTRs license renewal area.
Please note the page limits for your response:
For questions No. 1 thru No. 8, no more than three pages.
For question No. 9 and 10, no more than three pages each.
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