Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom has compiled a single database of suppliers of products and services to nuclear industry which have violated the terms of their contracts. It includes a business reputation index of suppliers, which is calculated using risk management theory, Rosatom said on 8 July.
“The database contains information about partners of Rosatom’s companies who violated contracts with nuclear industry companies,” Rosatom’s statement of July 8 says. All negative facts of the contracting history of a given contractor are taken into account. The index will be consulted during in the process of procurement, and in particular, in selecting the winner of any competitive tender, Rosatom notes. The system primarily looks at employees who are directly involved in procurement and assesses the extent of a supplier’s loyalty, as well as employees who supervise contract implementation in companies.
Rosatom expects the use of the register to reduce the number of violations of contract obligations in 2017 by 40% and believes that the total share of contracts with negative outcomes will not exceed 7% for the entire industry.