Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom plans in 2016 to increase its 10-year portfolio of foreign orders by about $20bn to $130bn, First Deputy Director General of Rosatom Alexander Lokshin told the forum "ATOMEXPO Belarus in 2016". He said that in 2015, the 10-year portfolio exceeded $110bn. At the end of 2015, the portfolio included 34 Rosatom projects in 13 countries. He noted that in 2015 Rosatom’s foreign revenues for the first time equalled proceeds from the domestic market."This is not the limit; it’s our goal to make the overseas proceeds exceed the domestic proceeds," he said. He noted that there had been great successes supplying isotopes and orders for research reactors. "We are concluding a contract with Bolivia and this is not the only country that is showing such interest," Lokshin said.