The conference took place 21-22 October in St Petersburg (Photo credit: Rosatom)Rosatom plans to build about 10 large power units in Russia by 2035, and in the next few years to commission two units annually, Director General Alexei Likhachev told a technical customer gathering in October.

"The amount of funds disbursed in 2020 amounted to approximately RUB524 billion ($7.4bn), in 2021 we aim at RUB771 billion, and in 2022, according to our plans, we must disburse  funds of RUB1,200bn.” He added: “We are faced with the task of replacing retired capacities, we have practically formed a plan and agreed on the construction of about 10 large power units in the period to 2035. As for the strategic plans to increase the share of nuclear generation in the overall system, our goal is in the second half of the 2030s to  the beginning 2040s to introduce up to two units a year in Russia. "

Today Russia’s 11 nuclear plants operate 38 units with a total installed capacity of over 30.5GW. The share of nuclear generation in the total electricity generation in Russia is 20.6% as of mid-2021. In the European part of the country this rises to 30%, and in the North-West  to 37%.

Alexander Lokshin, First Deputy Director General for Nuclear Energy  at Rosatom  noted in his opening address noted: “Russia has set the task of increasing the share of nuclear generation to 25%, which means that we will have to launch large-scale construction with the commissioning of several units per year. "

During the conference, Gennady Sakharov, Director for Capital Investments, State Construction Supervision and State Expertise of at Rosatom, noted: “The construction complex of the nuclear industry is constantly increasing and today about 156,000 people are working at our facilities. The leading role – the role of the manager of the construction process belongs, of course, to the technical customer service. Today it is 5500 people, who represent about 52 organisations. Despite all the difficulties, 2020 brought many victories, now the most important thing is not to slow down the momentum and ensure clear and well-coordinated interaction of all interested parties."

The conference took place 21-22 October in St Petersburg (Photo credit: Rosatom)