Polet-Service, commissioned by a subsidiary of Rosatom, is to undertake research on a power supply for remote Arctic territories using low-power nuclear power plants with hydrogen-based batteries.

According to the documents posted on the Russian government public procurement website, Rosatom will pay RUB34.45 million ($462,500) for this work, the customer of which is the NA Dollezhal Scientific Research and Design Institute of Power Engineering (Nikiet, part of Rosatom). The purpose is to determine the main scientific and technical approaches and tasks for the development of autonomous power supply systems based on renewable sources energy  with hydrogen storage.

As noted in the terms of reference (TOR), providing consumers in underdeveloped and remote regions of Russia with reliable, high-quality and environmentally acceptable energy sources with a capacity of up to 400kW, designed for operation in extreme natural and climatic conditions, is a priority task for development of the Russian Arctic. One solutions may be the use of small nuclear power plants as a basic source of energy, which will create a sustainable green energy system.

According to the TOR, in 2021, the contractor must develop the concept of an autonomous energy source based on renewable energy sources with hydrogen storage and the concept of a transport hybrid plant with a hydrogen storage, conduct research on the possibility of using chemical batteries to ensure NPP operation and patent research on the concept of energy sources using nuclear energy and hydrogen storage. The website noted that the purchase was completed.