The Engineering Division of Rosatom has completed hydraulic tests of systems and equipment for the primary circuit at unit 1 of the Rooppur NPP under construction in Bangladesh.
The process included several stages including pre-training, filling the primary circuit with water, creating the necessary pressure and temperature, as well as preparing the main and related systems. An automated process control system was put into operation, providing control of technological parameters during hydraulic tests. Tests for density and strength were carried out at a pressure of 24.5 MPa. The specialists thoroughly monitored the condition of the equipment, recording all indicators in accordance with project requirements and international safety standards.
“This is a significant stage that brings us closer to the next important step – hot testing of the reactor installation. We are sure that the station will become a reliable source of energy for Bangladesh for decades into the future,” said Alexei Deriy, Vice President in Bangladesh for Atomstroyexport (part of Rosatom).
The Rooppur plant is being built by Rosatom on the eastern bank of the Ganges River in Bangladesh’s Pabna district, about 160 km northwest of Dhaka. It will comprise two VVER-1200 reactors. In November 2011, Russia and Bangladesh signed an inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in the construction of the NPP and in mid-December 2015, a general contract was signed. Construction began in 2021. Construction of unit 1 began in November 2017 and unit 2 in July 2018. The plant’s design life is 60 years, with the possibility of extending its operating life for another 20 years. Fresh fuel for the units was delivered to the site in the latter part of 2023.