A proposal to turn Russian nuclear generator Rosenergoatom into a joint stock company has received support from the relevant ministries, it has been reported by sources close to the government. Rosenergoatom, which operates all 10 Russian nuclear power plants, is expected to see draft proposals within the first quarter of 2005.

The transformation of Rosenergoatom into a joint-stock company 100% state-owned will make it possible for the concern to more effectively operate on the market and simplify the procedure of attracting borrowed funds.

Meanwhile, Rosenergoatom expects its revenue to increase to 72 billion rubles ($2.6 billion) in 2005 from 63 billion rubles ($2.3 billion) in 2004.

The group also plans to develop three new nuclear generation plants with a combined capacity of 3GWe by 2010. For the coming year, power output for the group is estimated at 170-171TWh.

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Generation IV deployment

As well as focusing on the EPR, Areva’s New Plants Deployment business unit is working on a very high temperature gas reactor project. The business unit has chosen to focus on a prismatic design. According to Ganthner, the reactor design meets so-called Generation IV criteria and he estimates the timescale for this project to be of the order of 15-20 years.

Ganthner told NEI that a promising opportunity to construct a prototype of the design is the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) programme at the Idaho National Laboratory. “We’re watching the NGNP programme very carefully as it evolves with the DoE’s strategy,” he said. “The effort of course has got to be an industrial-scale type of effort and we are working with other industrial partners to be ready to address the opportunity with the NGNP when it solidifies. We are looking toward that as a good opportunity to construct a prototype of our design.”