The reactor pressure vessel (RPV) for unit 1 of China’s Lianjiang NPP has been delivered to the construction site in Guangdong province. The RPV was manufactured by Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Group.
With a total investment of CNY130bn ($18.1bn), Lianjiang NPP is designed to have six 1250 MWe CAP1000 pressurised water reactors, the first of which is scheduled to be operational in 2028. Phase 1 will comprise two units. Lianjiang is expected to run in conjunction with hydrogen plants and power storage stations in the area as part of an integrated energy base. It will be China’s first NPP to have a recirculating seawater cooling system with super-large cooling towers.
“The successful delivery of the reactor pressure vessel of unit 1 marked the beginning of the transition of the long-cycle main equipment of the Lianjiang Nuclear Power Phase I project from the manufacturing stage to the delivery stage,” said State Power Investment Corp (SPIC).
Construction of the first two CAP1000 reactors was approved by China’s State Council in September 2022. Excavation works for the units began in the same month, with the pouring of first concrete for the foundation of unit 1 completed at the end of September 2023 and for unit 2 in April 2024. Lianjiang unit 1 is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2028.