Russia’s Izhora plant, part of OMZ Group, began shipping the equipment manufactured for Bulgaria’s Belene NPP which Bulgaria ordered under a 2008 contract with Atomstroyexport (part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom).
When the Belene project was cancelled in 2012, Atomstroyexport filed a lawsuit for compensation against Bulgaria’s National Electricity Company (NEK) and in June 2016, the International Court of Arbitration under the International Chamber of Commerce in Geneva awarded Atomstroyexport €620m ($688m) for equipment already manufactured, which is now to be delivered to Bulgaria.
The shipments, which began in January, include a reactor vessel, two pressure compensators, and components of the emergency core cooling system. Another reactor vessel and other equipment will be shipped in 2017 in accordance with a timetable agreed by Atomstroyexport and NEK.
In total, according to the contract Izhora Plants produced two sets of reactor equipment for Belene and Bulgaria inspected the equipment at the end of 2016.