Russian nuclear utility Rosenergoatom, part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom, plans to increase generation from its nuclear fleet to 201.1TWh in 2017, up from 196.4TWh in 2016 and 195.2TWh in 2015.

According to the company’s draft annual report, the target for 2018 is 205.9TWh and for 2019, 213.8TWh. Rosenergoatom said generation from Russia’s fleet of 35 commercial nuclear power reactors increased by 5.89%, or 3.06TWh to 55.02TWh in the first quarter of 2017.

This compares with 51.96TWh in the same period, January to March, in 2016. The fleet’s capacity factor so far in 2017 has been 92.62%, Rosenergoatom said. The growth of electricity production in 2016 was due to the start-up of unit 1 at the  Novovoronezh II NPP and the start of commercial operation at unit 4 of the Beloyarsk NPP with fast neutron reactor BN-800, as well as to optimising the duration of repairs of power.