Russian scientific and production enterprise (NPP – Nauchno Proizvodstvennoi Predpriyatni) Doza, with the participation of a representative from the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS – Rossiiskovo Morskovo Registra Sukokholstva) has completed acceptance tests for a new radiation control system. The SRK (Sistema Radiastionnovo Kontrolya) Phoenix is intended for the Chukotka nuclear icebreaker (part of project 22220). During the tests, no defects and deficiencies were found. The equipment will now be shipped to the Baltic Plant in St Petersburg, where the nuclear icebreakers of project 22220 are being built.
Chukotka – the fifth icebreaker in project 22220 – is 173 metres long and 34 metres wide with a height of more than 15 metres, and is capable of breaking ice three metres thick. Under the contract, NPP Doza specialists will provide supervise installation, commissioning, and acceptance of the monitor on the icebreaker, and will take part in complex mooring and sea trials.
SRK Phoenix belongs to the fifth generation of radiation monitoring systems and has no analogues anywhere in the world. It will monitor radiation parameters for nuclear icebreakers, ships and floating vessels. The system is designed to quickly obtain information confirming that the vessel operating safely. NPP Doza says innovative engineering solutions, a high degree of standardisation and the use of modern information technologies gives the SRK Phoenix a unique combination of reliability and ease of use.
NPP Doza has been developing instruments and radiation safety systems since 1991. The main specialisation of the company is the design and production of radiation monitoring systems (SRK, ASRK, ASKRO), alarm systems (CAS) and the development and supply of dosimeters, radiometers and spectrometers. The equipment is in use in more than 50 countries.