Emergency exercise in the Arctic (Photo credit: Rosatom)Rosatom said on 8 September that it had taken part in the first pilot research exercises run by the Russian Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (Emercom). During the  “Safe Arctic” exercises, Rosatom demonstrated operation of a mobile laser complex (MLC) for elimination of accident consequences/ the MLC was designed by the Troitsk Institute of Innovative and Thermonuclear Research (Triniti – part of Rosatom’s scientific division, JSC Science and Innovations).

During a practical drill to eliminate a fire at Dudinka Oil Tank Farm Triniti specialists used the MLC to cut a process hole in the burning tank wall. 

“Using the laser technology in the elimination of accident consequences will allow departments to greatly reduce the time required for a rescue operation and make it possible to work in difficult-to-access places,” said Aleksandr Bondar, Director of Emercom’s Department for Educational, Scientific and Technical Policy. “In addition, the risk of trauma will be excluded for specialists assisting in accident situaions.” 

Triniti Director Dmitri Makarov said the exercises “made it abundantly clear that mobility and promptness of deployment of the complex are a great advantage in case of man-made accidents” He added: “Our complex, at the very least, replaces three units of special machinery and a team of rescuers. Now, the commercial division of Triniti, led by Azamat Bedanokov, is negotiating on the development of a series of similar complexes for Emercom.” 

“Safe Arctic” was a large-scale Emercom pilot research exercise  held on 7 and 8 September in seven Arctic regions. The participants included representatives of foreign emergency agencies and diplomatic corps of the Arctic Council participating countries: Finland, Norway, Canada and the USA. The operator was the Roscongress Foundation.

Triniti  has developed a unique family of laser complexes which makes possible remote laser cutting of thick-walled structures at a safe distance of up to 300 metres from the target with a cutting depth of 440mm. They can be used to assist in man-made accidents and to support urgent special operations. The remote laser cutting technique based on fibre optics can be used for fragmentation of equipment such  as  steam generators, condensers, and  reactor vessels during the dismantling of NPPs as well as for the clean up of contamination following emergency leaks of petrochemicals in on-shore and coastal areas. 

Underwater laser cutting can be used to fragment radiation-contaminated metal structures of NPPs in used fuel pools, sunken ships, submerged port structural elements, and marine platforms for oil and gas extraction in the marine shelf (including the Arctic).