Russia’s nuclear utility Rosenergoatom (part of Rosatom) said on 2 January that Russian nuclear power plants had begun 2022 with a new electricity generation record of 222.436TWh in 2021.

This made it possible to save more than 111 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions. The 2021 target was fulfilled 102.2% against the planned indicator of 217.674TWh (or by 103.1% relative to 2020). “In 2021, nuclear power plants operated reliably and safely. We have not only fulfilled, but also exceeded the state assignment for the generation of electricity,” said Andrei Petrov, General Director of Rosenergoatom.

The Kalinin (over 34.3TWh), Balakovo (over 33TWh) and Rostov (about 31.7TWh) plants provided the highest output making the largest contribution to the record. The main factors that played a role in the increase in electricity generation were the commissioning in March 2021 of unit 6 at the Leningrad nuclear plant with a capacity of 1200MWe, as well as the optimisation of the duration of repair campaigns by 107 days.