In 2018, Russian nuclear plants (all part of nuclear utility Rosenergoatom) reached a new record in power generation of more than 204TWh, exceeding the figure for 2017 (almost 203TWh) by more than 1.4TWh.

According to Rosenergoatom, this exceeded the target for 2018 of just over 201TWh. The highest output was achieved by Kalinin nuclear plant (four VVER-1000 units) with about 35TWh – a record for a Russian nuclear plant. The share of electricity generated by the Kalinin NPP in the energy balance of the Tver region is more than 83%.

Balakovo NPP (four VVER-1000s) generated more than 31TWh, and Leningrad NPP (four RBMK units) with more than 28TWh.

Currently, the nuclear share is about 19% of the total electricity generation. Rosenergoatom (part of state nuclear corporation Rosatom) is the second largest generating company in the world regarding nuclear-generating capacity. It comprises ten nuclear stations with 35 power units and a total installed capacity of 29GWe.   

Photo: The four unit Kalinin nuclear plant generated 35TWh of electricity in 2018 (Credit: Rosenergoatom)