Russia’s AI Leipunsky Institute of Physics & Power Engineering (IPPE) together with V/O Izotop JSC (part of Rusatom Healthcare), have optimised the production process for actinium-225 (Ac-225). Targeted therapy using radiopharmaceuticals based on the radioisotope Ac-225 is proving effective in the treatment of inoperable metastatic cancer. IPPE is one of the three producers of Ac-225 in the world and the only one in Russia.

The new production process significantly increases the volume of actinium production. This is due to the upgrade of the Ac-225 isolation scheme in the Th-229/Ac-225 generator system. It also results from improved quality control in the production of alpha emitters, and the introduction of a quality management system in the production of radioisotope products in accordance with ISO 9001 at the Institute.

The results of IPPE’s work were presented at the recent 12th International Symposium on Targeted Alpha Therapy in Cape Town (South Africa). The symposium brought together more than 300 nuclear medicine professionals from around the world from medical and scientific organizations, educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and regulatory authorities.

“The exchange of accumulated experience at the conference provided significant assistance to specialists working in the field of creating new technologies for the production of alpha-emitting radionuclides, said Stepan Khamyanov chief engineer at IPPE’s research and production complex of isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals. The discussions “helped to solve practical problems and, in general, served the cause of the development of nuclear medicine in Russia and in the world.”

Image courtesy of Rosatom