As part of the overhaul of Kalinin 1, specialists have begun to modernise the information-computing system and the system for presenting safety parameters (IVS / SPB).

“The volume of storage drives for storing information will grow 100 times, computing resources will generally increase 12-15 times, which will significantly increase the amount of processed data,” said Sergey Marov, head of Kalinin nuclear power plant’s thermal automation and measurement workshop.

IVS / SPPB is an integral part of an automated process control system (APCS). It is intended for centralised monitoring of the power unit equipment and is the primary means of presenting information to operational personnel. Among its main functions is the collection and processing of signals from sensors, data archiving, and system diagnostics.

Marov said the new equipment has higher performance and reliability. The speed of data exchange between IVS / SPPB devices will increase ten times.

During the overhaul, some 80% of the industrial control systems will be replaced, including cable management, software and hardware systems for monitoring and control systems, panels for block and backup control panels, equipment for switchgear, power supply assemblies and control of electric drives of shut-off and control valves, etc.

“The modernised automated process control system of the first KNPP power unit is similar to those used at domestic and foreign generation 3+ units,” said Sergey Borodko, deputy chief engineer at the Kalinin NPP for electrical equipment.

Unit 1 of the Kalinin NPP, a VVER-1000 reactor, was stopped for overhaul and extensive modernisation in November 2019 as part of an industry programme of life extension. Currently it is licensed to operated until 2025. After the completion of all upgrading operations, its operating life could be extended to 2044.