Unit 6 at  Russia’s Novovoronezh NPP (also known as Novovoronezh II unit 1), a generation 3+ VVER-1200 reactor,  achieved 100% of rated power on 26 January as part of the continuing the test programme following an unscheduled repair.

The reactor began producing energy in August 2016 and reached 100% power in October. However, it was taken off line again on 10 November for replacement of a stator turbogenerator damaged by a short circuit. Following its restart, thorough testing of the generator is now underway with a further 18 tests still to be undertaken at 100% power. Plant Director Vladimir Povarov said some 15 days of comprehensive testing would then take place before the unit begins commercial operation.

Reports earlier in January said the Supervisory Board of Market Council was considering fining nuclear utility Rosenergoatom for the delayed start up of the unit, which was intended to replace units 3 and 4 at the plant. Unit 3 has already been closed for decommissioning and unit 4 is nearing the end of its operating life.  Novovoronezh 6 was originally planned for operation in 2014 but faced repeated delays because of problems with the supply of equipment.