Additional inspection of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) unit 2 steam generators on 11 April identified wear in two of the 19,454 tubes, Southern California Edison (SCE) has informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Testing at SONGS unit 2 was ordered after higher than normal wear was identified in around 1% of the steam generator tubes at SONGS 3, following a steam generator leak in January. At the time unit 2 was already in service for a planned outage and SCE decided to carry out additional SG testing.

On 21 April, SCE also provided a letter to the NRC to update the regulator on the ongoing unit 2 steam generator tube inspections and confirming the actions that it must complete at SONGS before seeking permission from the NRC to restart units 2 and 3.

SCE said in a statement that it remains committed to bringing the units online when it and the US regulator are satisfied that it is safe to do so.

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