ZiO-Podolsk (part of Rosatom’s engineering division, Atomenergomash) has said it has manufactured and shipped the second RITM-200 reactor for the new generation icebreaker Yakutia – the third in the series of the universal nuclear icebreaker project 22220.

The weight of the 147.5-ton reactor is 7.3 metres high with a diameter of 3.3 metres. Delivery of oversized cargo is carried out on a special railway conveyor with a carrying capacity of 240 tons. The reactor is transported by rail to the Novy Port station in St Petersburg, where it is reloaded onto a special barge and delivered by water to the shipyard.

The power plant for nuclear-powered ships of project 22220 comprises two RITM-200 reactors with a thermal capacity of 175 MW each. The first RITM-200 reactor for the Yakutia icebreaker was shipped by the ZiO-Podolsk plant in May.

The enterprises of Atomenergomash provide a complete production chain for the creation of the RITM-200 nuclear engine – from design and production of blanks to the manufacture and installation of equipment. OKBM Afrikantov is designer and overall supplier.

RITM reactors are also planned for use in both floating and land based small reactors in the Arctic region and Yakutia.

Image: ZiO-Podolsk's RITM-200 reactor (courtesy of Atomenergomash)