In the USA, Framatome ANP, Master-Lee Energy Services Corporation (MESC) and Framatome ANP subsidiary Jeumont have teamed up to provide a wide variety of reactor coolant pump and reactor vessel systems services.
Reactor Vessel System Services offers full-scope refuelling and inspection services, including reactor disassembly/ reassembly (head area maintenance), fuel handling, reactor vessel foreign object search and retrieval, video support, standard and specific engineered products, fuel and vessel inspection, equipment maintenance and upgrade, procedure development and advisory services.
Reactor Coolant Pump System Services offers Jeumont’s field and shop services for RCP pumps and motors. Services include field inspections and maintenance, on and off-site motor refurbishment, replacement of motor internals including stators and rotors, motor diagnostic analysis, pump seal refurbishment and system upgrades, spare parts and speciality tooling services.