Canada's L3 Mapps has finished an upgrade of the full scope simulator at Slovenia’s Krško nuclear plant as part of a modernisation and safety improvement programme.

L3 Mapps won the upgrade contract from Nuklearna Elektrarna Krško (NEK) in April 2016. As part of the upgrade, the simulator's UNIX operating system-based simulator has been replaced with a virtualised Windows-based platform running L3's Orchid simulation environment.

L3 said that a new compact input/output system had been installed to drive a new simulated emergency control room, which replaces remote shutdown panels spread throughout the plant. The nuclear island and conventional island models have also been migrated into Orchid.

The upgrade reflects plant changes made as part of NEK's safety upgrade programme following the March 2011 Fukushima accident.

Krško, a 688MWe Westinghouse pressurised water reactor, Slovenia’s only nuclear power unit, began commercial operation in 1983 and is due to shut down in 2043.

Photo: Krško simulator (Credit: L3 Mapps)