The Plenary Session of Spain’s Congress has approved a non-law proposal calling for the government to implement a series of measures that would reverse the country’s nuclear phase out policy. Under nuclear phase-out plans, agreed in 2019, four of its seven reactors are scheduled to close by the end of 2030, and the other three by 2035. Currently Almaraz I and II, Ascó I and II, Cofrentes, Trillo and Vandellós II generate about 20% of Spain’s electricity.
The proposal, presented by the conservative People’s Party, was passed in its original terms on 12 February, with 171 votes in favour, 164 against and 14 abstentions. Voting with the People’s Party were national conservative party Vox and the single member of the. Navarrese People’s Union (UPN – Unión del Pueblo Navarro). Abstention of the two Catalonian parties was key. Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and Junts per Catalunya were concerned about closure of Ascó and Vandellós which provide some 60% of Catalonia’s energy.
The text of the proposal, which is not legally binding, urges the Government to:
- Extend the useful life of existing nuclear power plants in our country, within the framework of European regulations, in accordance with the Nuclear Safety Council and the owners of the facilities and attending to technical and economic criteria.
- Facilitate the economic sustainability of nuclear facilities so that it reflects the fundamental role of this technology in the energy transition, in guaranteeing a safe and stable electricity supply and in its contribution to reducing electricity market prices and emissions. greenhouse gases.
- Promote a committed dialogue with the municipalities, deputies and autonomous communities that would be affected by the closure of the seven nuclear units in Spain, as well as with the various economic sectors that would also suffer their impact.
- Request reports from the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) and the operator of the electrical system (REE – Red Eléctrica de España) evaluating the economic impact of the scheduled nuclear shutdown, as well as the implications for guaranteeing supply, taking into account the new provisions contained in review of the Integrated National Energy & Climate Plan (PNIEC – Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima) 2021-2030.
- Take the necessary measures so that the Spanish nuclear industrial sector can contribute to the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the EU Regulation of the Zero Industry Law Net Emissions, which includes nuclear energy technologies.
- Promote the legislative initiatives necessary for the repeal of article 10 of Law 7/2021, on Climate Change and Energy Transition.
- Review the 7th General Plan for Radioactive Waste, the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate 2023-2030 and the Protocol for the closure of approved nuclear power plants, with hearing and participation of the incumbent companies, in accordance with the actions to which we urge in advance.
- Transfer all of the above to the Specialised Committee for National Energy Security.