Westinghouse Electric Co will provide refuelling and maintenance services for nine outages at Tennessee Valley Authority plants, and long term spare parts services, under a $70 million contract signed in June.

Outage services will be provided at Sequoyah 1 and 2 and Watts Bar 1 ­ all three of which are Westinghouse PWRs. The two Sequoyah plants started up in 1981 and 1982, while Watts Bar 1 started up in 1996. Westinghouse has provided outage and refuelling services at all three plants since they went into operation. The new contract will begin in 2004 and run to the end of 2008. The spare parts contract will run for the same period.

TVA operates five nuclear stations at three sites in Tennessee and Alabama. Its third site, Browns Ferry, has GE-supplied BWRs.